Startup Application Form

Please complete your application in one go. To ensure you have a backup, we recommend saving your responses in a Word document or similar.

The application includes several text fields with specific word limits. We advise preparing your answers offline first and then copying them into the form when you’re ready.

Make sure to submit your application by clicking the ‘Submit’ button once you’ve filled in all required information.

All applications must be submitted in English.

As part of the registration, you are required to announce your participation on social media using this format: “Our team just applied to @SWLIRT #StartupWorldLeagueIndia #YourCompanyName SWLI {India – SWL (}”. Your registration will be officially recognized once the SWLIRT X/Twitter Account has liked your post.

You can find a sample pitch deck for reference here.

For your presentations, please use the provided Startup World League PowerPoint Templates: Template 1 (16:9 Ratio).

Finalists selected to pitch on stage will be announced on our regional website and social media channels.

Read and agree to our Terms and Conditions available here.

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Step 1 of 3
How did you hear about Startup World League 2024?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Your pitch deck must not exceed than 8 pages covering product, traction, funding, competitors and competitive advantage (Max file size 10MB). Please save file as (Company Name_Country.pdf)
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